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EU shot itself in the foot...again. Set price cap on Russian oil at $60 per barrel. US celebrates.
What’s the effect of Russian oil price cap, ban? effect of india? #russia
Chemical false flag operation uncovered by Russia; US contractors involved. US strangely don't care.
France's scarcity Sobriety Plan: No lights on after 10 PM, heating lower than 66F (19C), remote work
Victoria Nuland revisits the "crime scene," Ukraine. Exposes her poor/sneaky analytical skills.
She Gets A SURPRISE! 😱
Netherlands to forcibly close 3,000 farms to comply with EU mandate. Zero food=clean environment.
As Russia hysteria passed its peak, adults dare show up in public. Norway is in contact with Russia.
Russia refuses Biden-Putin talks preconditions. Russia will never leave "Ukraine." Own preconditions
Rusia tells the West: F@ck your tribunal. That's how a strong, independent, country treats weasels.
Kosher Vicy Nuland assures Ukraine of getting $37 bln. more to destroy Russia and dictator Putin.
US, the "Pirate," stole $100 billion worth of Syrian oil since 2011. According to Syrian authorities